Any College Student

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Responsible, college adult

As a responsible, college adult, I arrived home for a week before going to Hawaii for my cousin's wedding, and arranged to get some things done. I'm looking for (and applying for!) a job, and on Monday I made doctor appointments. I felt like a responsible, college adult, worthy of the 2.5 weeks my parents are leaving me with an empty house. Yes, well I promptly lost my car keys on Monday and overslept this morning, missing the eye doctor appointment that I had scheduled.

Well... what can ya do?

If you're me, you can wake up, say "SHIT" and then go downstairs and make yourself breakfast.

After that, I freaked out. I hate it when my parents use their disappointed voices when I screw up. And I also hate calling doctor's offices when I miss appointments. I must be the least responsible college adult ever, I thought. But I gathered my courage and dialed, and when I found out that I didn't owe my eye doctor a fee for skipping my appointment, I once again felt like... a responsilble, college adult. Although I did absolutely nothing responsible or adult.

Well, I felt bad for doing nothing so I finally unpacked (Yeah. That may sound productive, but keep in mind I've already been here with nothing to do for about five days. So, not impressive).


  • Haha, just one of those days, huh? Responsible college Adult. I like it. I was kinda forced into being one a bit early... but it is all comming together now. As a "college student" (taking a year off... does that still count?) I get to pay rent, phone bills, utilities, insurance, food... WEE! Full time jobs suck. Good luck finding one!

    By Blogger Ashley, at 5:36 PM  

  • That's because nobody hearts you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:18 AM  

  • g. s.c., it's like, 5 entries. you can do it! ;)

    By Blogger Jen Johnson, at 9:29 PM  

  • I don't know, she IS illiterate...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:34 PM  

  • I'm not illiterate! I just don't go on the internet when I'm home. Because, here, I have better things to do.

    Like go read child-porn.

    Well, alright, it's not child-porn, it's "Lolita". Have you guys read this? Like, goodness. Man likes his girls YOUNG.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:39 AM  

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