Any College Student

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Freshman girls upstairs will be punished

On a Sunday night, merely 3 minutes from midnight, the fuckers in the room above mine are playing jazz music unnecessarily loudly. I don't even know who lives above me. My solution is to be angry with the entire second floor. All twenty or so freshmen. I'm going to put the heads of dead horses in their beds while they sleep.

I'm not sure where I will find that many horses, how I could do that without whimpering and waking up the freshmen, but... I will.

It doesn't help that they are giggling. I hate it when girls giggle. Some people think it's cute, and my response to them is that it isn't. It's only cute when you're more than 50 feet from the person who is giggling or if you're drunk. Otherwise it makes me feel like throwing up my dinner on them and telling them that the effect their giggles has on my ears is similar to the effect my vomit has on their nose. Except that my dinner was good so it probably smells way better than their giggles sound.

Not only that, but there is a BOY voice. And that angers me because those girls don't deserve attention from the male sex. They really just don't deserve attention. (Note, I still don't know who they are.)


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