Any College Student

Sunday, March 05, 2006

It isn't free, gentlemen

So every year the school does an auction to raise money for the student scholarship fund. Student Senate organizes it, and since I'm a Senator I was at the auction. Our theme: The Price is Right. My job: Vana girl.

My skills of showing off semi-interesting objects are... well... incomparable. First of all, most of the items up for auction were not show-able. A weekend getaway at a cottage? A 2-week internship? Dinner with an alumn? When I was "vana"-ing these items, I invariably just walked up to the center of the stage and smiled. Sometimes I did the hands thing, showcasing nothing but the air beside me. When it was a dinner, I usually mimed eating. I'm not sure why - no one told me to.

Fortunately, there were several giant stuffed animals that were up for auction. A horse, a zebra, a giraffe, a reindeer, and a bunny. The night before the auction, we had found them and played some games with them. There was a war between the horse and the zebra, there was the reindeer attacking the director of student activities, and there was a forest of stuffed animals that we designed. Many pictures.

To my delight, I was given the horse to vana. My vana-ing skills here far surpassed the skills of the others (of which there were 5), as I proceeded to ride the horsey. That's right. Wearing a $150 black dress and suede stiletto boots, I vana-ed a stuffed horse by riding it. If I had more time, I also would have fed it invisible carrots and brushed its mane. But the now turned-on audience had bought the horse. For $170.

That's the price of what's between my legs.


  • Freak out - there WAS a bunny, and I just forgot about the unicorn.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 PM  

  • I wish I had a unicorn.

    By Blogger Ripsy, at 3:44 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:19 PM  

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