Any College Student

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

How did you get into college?

In my filmmaking class, the teacher started showing us the first 20 minutes of films so we could discuss technique and all that. It's a good idea. It's a bad class.

There are a few new students in the class (5 or so) and two of them are particularly irritating. As in, I want to inflict pain on them and I actually sincerely hope that their films turn out to be good wastebasket stuffers. Why would I be so incredibly malicious in my hopes for them?

Well, student 1 says things like this: "I found real monkeys to film"
Teacher: "Wait, what? Real ones? Where did you find them?"
Student 1: "They were on campus. The president has a stash of monkeys in her backyard, right outside the visual arts building."
Teacher: "What?"
Student 1: "Seriously. It's perfect."
Whole class: "Shut the hell up."

And the second student is a complete imbecile. Today we were showed the beginning of a documentary, "Best Boy" about a family with a mentally disabled member. When we were discussing the film, student 2 says "So this guy is actually mentally retarded?"
Teacher: "yes.."
Student 2: "And his cousing just happened to be a brilliant filmmaker?" (meaning: "That's just too convenient. Something's fishy here")
The world: "Well yes."

If the cousin wasn't a filmmaker, the movie never would have been made. Of course someone in the family "happened to be" a filmmaker. Idiot. IDIOT.

These are just examples from ONE class. Imagine the pain I am put through every time I see their mouths open. It's like watching really bad acting or really awful comedians. Or being near stupid people... Oh wait, that's exactly what it is.


  • You have much rage. I hope they're at least minorities so they deserve it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:15 AM  

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