Any College Student

Friday, November 04, 2005

Sometimes I question your committment to Sparkle Motion

So I went to a play today, because one of my housemates is in it. I realized that I had no idea what the play was about only when the lights dimmed and the first words were spoken in an Irish accent. Followed by the whole entire play.

It's interesting also to see what happens when you wait after the performance for the actors to come out so you can congratulate them. For instance, after my housemate came out, she ran towards me and the other housemates... and hugged the guy standing next to us. Oh. Well, he's her friend visiting from another school so I guess that's understandable. And then she went over to talk to some other friends... and THEN gave us some quick hugs before returning back to her other friends.

This may not have been so painful if the friends weren't incredible eye candy gay boys from the aforementioned Cross Dress Cabaret and afterparty. And I was too shy (starstruck? yes) to say hello... And if I hadn't had a dream last night about having a four inch double chin...

Now, since school is about learning, let's crunch some numbers:

Number of dinners I ate today: 0
Number of cookies I ate today: 4+
Estimated amount of cookie dough I ate today: 1/4 cup
Number of donuts I ate today: 1
Number of times I yelled at my roommate for no good reason: at least 6
Dollars spent in the last 2 days on food: 70
Free pot consumed yesterday: 6 hits
Number of sentences I didn't bother finishing: about 11
Hours of homework done in the past 2 days: .25


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