Any College Student

Monday, June 20, 2005

How to suck at your job

Well hello there! Let me start by saying I like my job. A lot. It's easy, it's simple, it's not hard.

So it makes me wonder how I can still get in trouble.

Fact #1: My boss came back to work today
Fact #2: Everything I did made me look stupid.

Example 1: I didn't know we had to fill out time sheets, so she had to make me fill out one for last week.
Example 2: I didn't know that she had wanted me to stay until 6 every day and not 5:30
Example 3: I spent my break talking to one of my coworkers and right after I got back to my computer I got an email from her - a "kind reminder" that breaks should be taken outside the work area and not near peoples' desks.
Example 4: I emailed my coworker apologizing for getting him in trouble and he wrote back saying "I warned you"

Well then! Now I know why I'll be homeless in under five years!


  • Haha. I have spent my morning looking at posters with my dad... and getting paid for it... maybe I'll call you.

    By Blogger Ripsy, at 12:31 PM  

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