Any College Student

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Pick your poison

You know that thing where you wash your car, you clean your room, you do the dishes, you stop drinking soda, you get off your ass and work out... and you're supposed to feel better about yourself?

And that thing where your car gets dirty again, your room is a mess in about two days, the next time you eat there are more dishes, you eat all the junk food you can get your hands on, and sit there watching TV all day? How is that one supposed to make you feel? Is it a "guilty pleasure" or is it just life?

Well I don't think either one makes me happier than the other. In fact, the only reason I think I'm happier when I'm a "good little girl" is because I know that we're supposed to do those things in order to be better people.

Well I don't know what else to write, so...

You know that Postsecret blog? What secret would you submit if you were going to? (If you got off your ass to do it.. haha) You can post anonymously of course :)

Mine would be:


  • Wow. Deep. That's all.

    By Blogger Ripsy, at 3:25 AM  

  • It's not that you're supposed to feel better, it's that people generally do feel better when they have a job, are fit, and have a life outside of their tv. People may not particularly like their job or enjoy exercising, but yes, being a better person usually makes it worth it and makes people have higher self-esteem and a happier life.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:54 PM  

  • "being a better person" shouldn't necessarily be defined by doing what society designates is productive and "good"

    By Blogger Jen Johnson, at 9:31 PM  

  • I just said "better person" because you used that phrase. My point is that you're not being forced to feel better doing those things, but that in general they do help people feel better. That response isn't universal for everybody.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:45 PM  

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