Any College Student

Friday, December 23, 2005

Oh. my. god.

I'd like to establish that I am a victim before I say anything else. You know when you wake up and go back to sleep and then dream about the last thing you remember?

I woke up and gave Mr. Boyfriend a handjob. During this time, my dad called on my cell phone (no, I didn't answer, shut up).

I went back to sleep and dreamt that I gave a handjob to my dad.

I think I'm going to go take twenty showers. *sob*


  • I laughed a lot after reading that, but I do give you props for posting that. Because I would have locked that away in my mind.

    By Blogger Ripsy, at 6:11 PM  

  • Yeah, yeah, lock it in there so it couldn't escape and you could always replay that beautiful moment in your mind :)

    By Blogger Dropout!, at 11:10 PM  

  • Sabrina gives her dad handjobs all the time... oh wait that's Anju.

    By Blogger Ripsy, at 2:42 AM  

  • Nope, that's me too.

    By Blogger Dropout!, at 3:14 AM  

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