Any College Student

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sticks and stones can break my bones but word verification will never hurt me

Okay, so. I have a confession to make. I give in to peer pressure. Sex, drugs, blog changes... Like, really easily. In this case, just one peer. And one pressure:

"And can you please get rid of these damn word verification things? They force me to spend way more time on an insignificant comment than I would ever care to."

The only defense I have is that I waited over a month to cave in. But yeah, to sum up, I'm a wuss. Also, in my journeys I discovered that the commenter had reasons other than word verification forcing people to "spend way more time on an insignificant comment than I would ever care to." Excuse my idiocy, but word verifications are really really hard to figure out sometimes! They make me question my mastery of the alphabet, wonder if I know the difference between i's and j's...
I mean, c'mon, they look really similar! I'm not saying I messed up on this one. But I'm not saying I got it right, either. I am saying that when you figure out which ones are j's and which are i's, you realize that it basically says Jizz PJ. Don't get all upset at me for misplacing the i and adding a z; get upset with the little fucker for talking about your PJs like that!!

You go ahead and believe it's a coincidence, but I cannot do so. Because as soon as you laugh at its little insults, the word verification thinger mocks you. No joke, it sounds just like me:I mean, people make fun of me for my strange noises, but a computer? It's time to draw the line.


  • what kind of strange noises, dear? (I'm being chummy this holiday season)
    do they make a similar noise to farts?

    By Blogger Qualityservice44, at 1:29 PM  

  • Noises like "duurfbf" and "You kids get the hell off of my lawn!!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:59 PM  

  • I knew you wouldn't last...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:03 AM  

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